We are in the Father’s House!
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.”
John 14:1
An Antidote to a Troubled Heart
This verse personally is one of the most comforting verses to me out there. The words of Jesus seem to penetrate deep within me — do not let your hearts be troubled. Has your heart been troubled recently, I know mine has! Probably too many times to count! But Jesus offers an antidote to a troubled heart and his answer is actually a common theme to what he teaches his followers and to us—the provision of the Father.
The care of our Heavenly Father is the antidote for a troubled heart filled with worry, it is such a comfort to realize that our Father cares wonderfully for us beyond what we are able to even understand (That is what Jesus explains in Matthew 6, but that’s for another day!) Jesus tells his disciples that there is more than enough in his Fathers home. I want you to take a moment to stop and imagine what living in the heavenly Father’s home would be like. Would you have a small room, living poorly and eating occasionally, like once a day from meager scraps? Absolutely not! Yet, somehow that is how we imagine living in the Fathers house. That for some reason, it is small with only a limited amount of room thats already been given out to everyone else and we are left with the scraps.
What Truly is More Than Enough
But that is not what Jesus tells us! There is more than enough room in his Father’s house. More than enough means there’s more than enough room for your very own room, your own closet, your own clothes even your own responsibilities, your own place at that table with plenty to do and plenty to eat! More than enough really means more. than. enough. Whatever limitation you can think of as a limit to enough does not exist in our Father’s house. There is more than enough provision for us in our Fathers house and that translates to more than enough provision to live in on earth as we break the enemy’s strongholds and begin to live on earth as citizens of Heaven and under the Father’s care.
I’m telling you, this is the key to an abundant life! Not just in the provision of the tangible things (which our Father most certainly will provide) but the provision of the unseen things of love and hope and peace and joy—the greater keys to an abundant life. Most importantly, our hearts won’t be troubled. Because we start living in the trust that the Father will provide for our daily physical and spiritual needs—imagine the peace that surpasses all understanding! That is why Paul tells us to present our worries to God and remember what He does for us, it is His care that brings us a peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) That also why Peter tells us to do the same, putting our worries on God because he cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) And something to add: we never graduate from living in the Father’s house. The Lord told me the other day “I am not a distant Father because you never outgrow my house.” He is always present in our lives as a loving and attentive Father and it is not something we ever leave!
Jesus is Our Access
To conclude, I want to highlight this last part of the verse in John 14, “If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” Jesus says that the proof that there is more than enough room in his Father’s home is that he went to prepare a place for us. Jesus is our access to this almost unbelievable level of supernatural provision and care! What Jesus did on the cross unlocked for us every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3) and provides access to us to live in this more than enough in our Father’s home.
It is almost too good to be true but that often is the case when we dive into the depths of God’s grace and love. But all I ask of you is to meditate on this truth that there is more than enough room for you in our heavenly Fathers home and that great big room and great big banquet table is prepare for you to live in and feast! All you need to do is simply trust in that access Jesus provides for us.